Webster Technique
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Show: Preggie Pals
You were planning for a vaginal birth, but then you learn your baby is breech. Fetal position is often overlooked until late in the pregnancy, so what are your options? Should you try and get your baby to turn? Can you deliver a breech baby vaginally? What are the concerns for both mom and baby?
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Show: Preggie Pals
Your due date is quickly approaching and you just found out your baby is breach. The Webster Technique is one approach used by chiropractors that can help turn your baby around so you can have the vaginal birth you planned. Learn more about the process, the cost and what's involved.
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Show: Preggie Pals
Having chiropractic adjustments can help release pressure from your growing belly and even improve your overall childbirth experience. What are the most common pregnancy discomforts treated with chiropractic care? Are there any risks to mom and baby?
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