Teaching Your Kids to Respond to Twin Questions

You’ve heard all the standard comments about twins. But what about your kids? How do they respond? Have you talked to your twins about how to address these questions from complete strangers?
You’ve heard all the standard comments about twins. But what about your kids? How do they respond? Have you talked to your twins about how to address these questions from complete strangers?
Your pregnancy is called high-risk if you or your baby has an increased chance of developing a health problem. What are some of these risk factors? And what type of treatment can you expect to receive with a high-risk pregnancy?
The social and emotional development of twins is a bit different when compared to singletons. As a parent, how do you encourage proper development for each child? And what type of advantages and disadvantages do twins commonly have socially and emotionally when compared to singletons?
Having trouble finding the perfect baby names for your twins? That's because there's double the pressure to get it right! What's trending right now with baby names? And what should you consider when making this big decision?
We're continuing our series focused on what to expect if your twins need to visit the NICU. In this episode, our panelists share ways they were able to bond with their babies during their stay- even in an unnatural environment.
Ever wonder if your same-sex fraternal twins are really fraternal? Perhaps you've even considered DNA testing to determine if they are actually identical? So, what's involved in the testing process? How accurate are the tests?
If you have mo-di twins, you may have already heard by twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome. It's a complication that can happen during any twin pregnancy in which the babies share a placenta. How are pregnancies diagnosed with this condition? How can it impact your twins? And what options do you have to hopefully remedy the situation and keep your babies in utero for as long as possible?
Twice the fun and twice the mess (usually)! If you're a parent of toddler twins, it's hard to imagine meal time where the majority of the food actually ends up in mouths rather than lying on the floor. So, how do you keep your twinnies from spitting out the food and throwing their bowls, plates and spoons across the room?
We're continuing our series focused on what to experience if your twins need the NICU. In this episode, learn more about what happens after your babies leave the hospital. What type of follow-up and outpatient care is typically needed?
If you’re the parent of twins, you may be wondering about babywearing. Is it possible to wear two babies at once? What are the options? Fortunately, there are a number of twin baby carriers on the market and today we’ll talk about key features to look for in those carriers. All new parents interested in babywearing their twins should consult with their doctor; above all you want to make sure you listen to your body.