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Show: Twin Talks
You're getting ready to send your twins to kindergarten, but are they really ready? How do you know? What if one child is ready and the other isn't, do you still send them both? Do you put them in the same class? Learn how various twin types may react to this new social environment.
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Show: Twin Talks
You've had your babies, but your body doesn't seem to be healing itself and getting better. This could be a result of common pelvic floor problems that impact moms with multiples. So, what are the most common symptoms?
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Show: The Boob Group
We continue our series focused on breastfeeding twins. In this episode, we'll explore the mother and baby's choice to wean from breastfeeding. Do mothers of twins wean earlier than singletons? And what are some tips for weaning one baby and not the other?
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Show: Twin Talks
Do your twins look a lot alike? You may want to consider getting them an agent for commercial and film opportunities. We'll explore what twin parents need to know before submitting their twins. Hey, if Mary Kate and Ashley can do it, so can you!
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Show: Twin Talks
Breastfeeding twins is possible, but there are definitely some challenges including how to feed two babies throughout the night. What happens when your babies both wake up crying at the same time? Should you tandem feed or try feeding just one baby at a time?
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Show: Twin Talks
Are your twins ready for preschool? What types of schools are available to your children? Should you send them to the same class, or divide them up? And how can you make the transition to preschool a tad bit easier?
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Show: Twin Talks
You’ve been the world traveler and then... life changes when twins come along. Or does it? We're here with some experienced twin moms who have been jet-setting around the world alongside their kids. It may not be for everyone, but our twin mamas have some great practical advice for any twin parents who want to give it a go!
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Show: Twin Talks
If you're pregnant with twins or higher order multiples, then your medical care provider has probably already told you about the risk of preterm labor. What does "preterm" actually mean for multiples? What are some of the signs of preterm labor?
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Show: Twin Talks
Potty training twins requires a bit of planning and preparation. And sometimes, the gear you use can make all the difference in the world. So, what are the essential items you'll need as you embark on this journey?
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Show: Twin Talks
Birthday parties can be a major "stresser" for new parents. So, is planning a birthday party for twins twice as hard- if you don't have twice the budget? We've got some great strategies for planning twin birthday parties on a budget!
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