Tummy Time
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Show: Newbies
It's hard to walk through baby stores without feeling like you need absolutely everything on the shelves. Today we're learning all about the concept of "container babies" and the potential harmful effects it could have on your child's development.
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Show: Parent Savers
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or SIDS, is the leading cause of death for babies one year and younger. There's a lot of questions surrounding SIDs, but what information do we have to protect our little ones? How can you reduce your baby's risk?
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From: Blog
Your baby’s development is amazing to watch. She will go from being a helpless newborn to a curious and active toddler in just one year!
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Show: Newbies
Why is tummy time important for your baby's development? And how can you make tummy time more enjoyable for your little one?
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Show: Parent Savers
Your baby needs "tummy time" from the moment he comes home from the hospital. What are the main benefits of this gentle exercise? How can it help in your baby's development? And what are some strategies to help a fussy baby feel at home on his belly?
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From: Blog
Creating a safe play space for a baby is more important than you may think. It’s almost as essential for the baby as it is for the mother. In order to create a safe play space for your baby, there are a few fundamentals that need to be established first.