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Creating Busy Bags for Kids

When your child is bored, you may become the center of their attention. So, what do you do when your child depends on you for entertainment and the timing just isn't right? Perhaps you're waiting at the doctor's office, maybe your making dinner or giving your other children a bath? How do you keep older children occupied without handing them some sort of electronic device? They're called "busy bags" and creating some in advance might just save your sanity.

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The Ultimate List of Christmas Activities for Kids

With Christmas just around the corner, you’ve probably already started stressing about how you are going to keep your little ones engaged more than her chores can while you make preparations for the big day. If this is the dilemma you currently have, you have come to the right place. Here you will find a list of some of the best Christmas activities for kids that will keep them busy for hours. 

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