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Show: Parent Savers
Your child seems and unable to focus properly, but does he really have ADD or ADHD? These are buzz words that are perhaps overused too often these days. So, what exactly are these disorders, how do they impact children, and how can you get help?
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From: Blog
Potty training is a major milestone for every toddler and their parents. It’s pretty exciting to know that your little one is finally ready to leave diapers behind and use the toilet like a big kid. However, it can also be a challenging, frustrating, and messy process. The good news is that it is possible to make this process easier and faster for everyone involved.
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Show: The Boob Group
Breastfeeding toddlers can be drastically different than breastfeeding a newborn. What does nursing a toddler really look like? And how much breast milk does a toddler really need?
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Show: Parent Savers
Nervous to travel with kids this holiday season? What are the common pitfalls many parents face? And how can you overcome these issues and avoid major meltdowns as you travel to see friends and family during the next couple months?
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Show: Twin Talks
The social and emotional development of twins is a bit different when compared to singletons. As a parent, how do you encourage proper development for each child? And what type of advantages and disadvantages do twins commonly have socially and emotionally when compared to singletons?
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Show: Parent Savers
You've mastered potty training during the day, but naps and overnights are a completely different story. What prevents children from not being able to control the bladder during these times? And what are some great tips to improve the clean-up process?
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Show: Parent Savers
As parents, most of us have all sorts of gadgets and gizmos to help us stay connected and simplify our life. But, at what point do we introduce technology to our toddlers?
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Show: Parent Savers
When your child is bored, you may become the center of their attention. So, what do you do when your child depends on you for entertainment and the timing just isn't right? Perhaps you're waiting at the doctor's office, maybe your making dinner or giving your other children a bath? How do you keep older children occupied without handing them some sort of electronic device? They're called "busy bags" and creating some in advance might just save your sanity.
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Show: Parent Savers
Emergency room and toddlers pretty much go hand in hand. Yes, the ER can be a scary place for a new parent. What should you expect if your child needs immediate care? What should you bring with you? And what are the biggest mistakes new parents make?
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From: Blog
With Christmas just around the corner, you’ve probably already started stressing about how you are going to keep your little ones engaged more than her chores can while you make preparations for the big day. If this is the dilemma you currently have, you have come to the right place. Here you will find a list of some of the best Christmas activities for kids that will keep them busy for hours.
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