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Show: The Boob Group
You had so many questions about breastfeeding toddlers that we had to release another episode! Learn more about nursing strategies at night and during naptime as well as ways to gently wean your toddler.
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Show: The Boob Group
Mothers have breastfed their babies since the beginning of time- otherwise, the human race wouldn't have survived. So, why does it seem that more and more women are having trouble? Are we missing something our babies are trying to tell us? Today we're learning all about biological nurturing, which encourages your own breastfeeding instincts.
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Show: Parent Savers
We're getting "briefed" on the best diapers for your baby. Whether you're interested in cloth, disposable or some sort of hybrid, we'll explore the pros and cons of all your options!
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Show: Twin Talks
Transitioning to solid foods can be tricky, especially when feeding two babies at once. How do you know when your twins are ready? What are some of the best foods to help kick off this transition? Plus, some practical tips from parents of twins how to set up your space!
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Show: Parent Savers
Like it or not, technology is part of our everyday lives, which means our kids are exposed to it too. Is this really a bad thing? If done in moderation, can these electronic games, toys and tablets actually makes our kids smarter?
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From: Blog
So you're getting ready for your first trip with your newborn! Whether you're visiting family or taking a vacation, traveling with an infant can seem daunting.
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Show: Parent Savers
You've probably heard of Montessori schools, but did you know you can apply the same principles at home with your baby? When you learn more about your child's developmental needs, you can help maximize their potential and become more independent at an earlier age.
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Show: Parent Savers
What testing options are available to children showing symptoms? What therapies and services are available for treatment?
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Show: Parent Savers
Autism affects 1 in 89 children. What exactly is autism and how can it be treated? Why is early detection important? Dr. Bob Sears answers common questions associated with this widespread childhood epidemic.
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From: Blog
As a parent, you obviously want nothing but the best for your little one. Part of this involves creating a safe and engaging environment for your toddler. This means providing them with a space to explore and learn, while also keeping them safe from harm.
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