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Show: Parent Savers
Sudden meltdowns, kicking and screaming, head beating against the floor (or some other hard surface). If you're the parent of the toddler, this is probably a regular occurrence in your home. So, are you supposed to just grin and bare it? We've got some tips to help when your tiny tot throws a tantrum.
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In the midst of this chaos, finding time for gratitude might seem hard. But it can make a big difference in how you feel each day.
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Show: Parent Savers
Tearful, tantrum-filled goodbyes are common during a child's earliest years. Although it's a normal and essential survival instinct, it can also be problematic. How can you help ease their separation anxiety and transition into a more independent stage in life?
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Show: Parent Savers
You're proud of your kids, so it's only natural you would want to "show them off" to family and friends. Unfortunately, not everyone has the best intentions when viewing your kids online. Are we unintentionally overexposing our children online? Is social media really to blame? And what steps can we take to keep them safe and secure?
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Show: Parent Savers
Power struggles while parenting is common, but it can also be stressful, unpleasant and negatively impact the relationship with your child? What's really happening during these power struggles and how do you work through them?
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Show: Parent Savers
As adults, we know yoga is good for our bodies. But, did you know yoga can benefit kids as well? We'll learn about an innovative program designed to entertain kids all while teaching them the benefits of the age old practice.
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Show: Twin Talks
After getting over the initial shock of being pregnant with twins, most soon-to-be parents want to know if their babies are identical or fraternal. How do medical care providers determine your twin type? What exactly are they looking for during those ultrasounds?
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Show: Parent Savers
As the parent, you're constantly wondering how to best handle your misbehaving toddler In this episode, we'll provide examples of real life situations and explore the best ways to overcome a potential meltdown- from you or your toddler.
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Show: Twin Talks
When your kids are close in age, you're bound to experience some sort of sibling rivalry. So, what can you expect when your twins are just minutes apart in age? Can rivalry between siblings break the close bond many twins share?
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Show: Parent Savers
If you think college is expensive today, just think about the costs your child is going to face in the future! Thankfully, you can help them by investing in the right plans at the right time. Today we're learning all about 529 plans and how they can ease the cost of higher learning.
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