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One of the best things about Christmas is getting to decorate your home. Once you have kids, it’s almost like you can’t have nice things anymore. The good news is that if you can think outside the box, it is possible to make some compromises that will allow you to have your cake and eat it too. Wondering exactly how to achieve this? Here are a few tips that will enable you to decorate your home in a baby and toddler-friendly way this Christmas.
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From: Blog
Shopping for babies and toddlers is never easy. Buying the perfect Christmas gifts for them is even harder. That’s why we have prepared this guide to help you figure out exactly where to start. Here is a list of some amazing Christmas gift ideas for babies and toddlers categorized by age.
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Show: Twin Talks
Are you planning to transition your twins from a crib to a toddler bed? How do you know if they're developmentally ready? What are some of the challenges you can expect?
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Show: Parent Savers
What's the best way to handle picky eaters? How do you ensure your kids are getting all the nutrients they need when their diet mainly consists of mac and cheese?
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Show: Parent Savers
Would you know what to do if your infant suddenly began to choke or stopped breathing? Knowing how to perform infant CPR could save a baby's life. We'll discuss the benefits of taking a course to help you be better prepared as a new parent.
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Show: Parent Savers
Halloween is big deal for most kids. But, what do you do when your kids aren't quite ready for all the haunted houses and Halloween candy? What are some alternatives to trick-or-treat night? We're chatting with some experienced moms to see how they celebrate this spooky holiday with their little ones.
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Show: Parent Savers
One of the greatest gifts we can give our kids is confidence. Why is it important to raise confident children? What steps can you take to improve confidence in your kids whenever possible? And what's the main difference between self esteem and confidence?
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Show: Parent Savers
Even with one child, finding a balance between your schedule and your little one can be a challenge. So, what are some effective ways to get everything done and maintain at least a portion of your sanity at the same time?
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Show: Parent Savers
You had sex to make a baby, but now the thought of having it seems more disturbing than changing your toddler's dirty diaper. How do you make sex a priority in your relationship?
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Show: Twin Talks
Twice the fun and twice the mess (usually)! If you're a parent of toddler twins, it's hard to imagine meal time where the majority of the food actually ends up in mouths rather than lying on the floor. So, how do you keep your twinnies from spitting out the food and throwing their bowls, plates and spoons across the room?
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