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Show: Twin Talks
Learning you're pregnant with twins can certainly send you on an emotional rollercoaster. In this episode, our twin moms share how they felt about being pregnant with twins. What initial concerns did they have? How did they manage any additional stress?
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Show: Twin Talks
Online connections are great, but there's no substitute for meeting other twin parents face-to-face. Have you considered joining a twin support group? Experienced twin parents share how they've benefitted from being part of this important community.
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Show: Preggie Pals
Pregnancy is supposed to be a time of great joy, unfortunately, at least one in ten pregnant women suffers from bouts of prenatal anxiety and depression. What typically triggers these feelings, and how do you know when extra support is needed?
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Show: Parent Savers
The pregnancy is over, and now you have a newborn at home. How do you adjust to your new role as a dad? What are the most common concerns amongst first-time dads and how can you overcome them? It's a special episode featuring only "new dads" as panelists.
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Show: The Boob Group
All women need support throughout their breastfeeding and pumping journey. And for some families, that includes financial help to better care for both mom and baby. Today, we're talking all about WIC, which stands for Women, Infants and Children. It’s a federal program that helps pregnant and their postpartum moms and children receive the nutritional care they need. Learn more about their services and how they’ve helped lower income families all over the country.
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Show: Parent Savers
Dads today are taking on more and more responsibilities with child-rearing that only a generation ago would have seemed out of place. What are some of the reasons for this new breed of dads, and how can new Dads know what to do?
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Show: The Boob Group
Breastfeeding is a commitment that can be challenging at times. And sometimes the smallest gesture of kindness or complementary words can help build up a breastfeeding mom’s confidence and keep her nursing for as long as possible. What can you do to support the breastfeeding mom in your life? We have some great ideas for partners, family and friends.
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Show: Preggie Pals
October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. How can friends and loved ones support and encourage parents experiencing miscarriage and infant loss? How do you approach someone who recently miscarried their child when you are currently pregnant?
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From: Blog
Anyone who has given or witnessed a birth can experience emotional trauma. Some may try to sort it out on their own or just brush it off, while others may swap stories or vent to similarly traumatized moms. However, these approaches often only provide temporary relief and healing can be more elusive. Doula and Childbirth Educator, Shelley Rahim, offers some insight into emotional birth trauma and ways to move forward.
From: Product Reviews
The Mini Cradle by It's You Babe is a great product for every pregnant mom. The gentle lift and support provided by the Mini Cradle enhances circulation and relieves minor aches and pains often felt during pregnancy. The soft, flannel backed elastic will not curl or roll. Three sets of hook and eye closures provide a perfect fit… Continue Reading