Stretch Marks
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Show: The Boob Group
We spend about nine months growing a baby, and after our babies are born, our bodies create breast milk (the most nutritious food possible) to help them grow and keep them healthy. Our bodies are truly amazing, and still many of us don’t view them that way. And how can these negative feelings impact our breastfeeding goals?
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From: Blog
One of the most common physical changes that most women go through after giving birth is getting stretch marks.
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Show: Preggie Pals
You've probably heard horror stories about stretch marks, right? But what exactly are stretch marks and what causes them? Do lotions, creams and other procedures really work? And is there any way to prevent them?
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From: Videos
You’re pregnant, and your baby has quickly taken over your body. Your skin is being pulled to capacity. Does this mean stretch marks are unavoidable? Is there anything you can do to prevent them, or is your "luck" simply dependent on genetics?
From: Blog
Research shows that approximately 90% of women will get stretch marks during or after pregnancy, but luckily there are some techniques to prevent them and minimize their appearance. If you’re a new mom (or a not so new mom!) you may have questions about these little battle wounds. Wonder no more; today’s post will tell you everything you need to know about stretch marks.