Baby Led Weaning Basics

What is baby led weaning? How can you introduce foods safely? And what are some of the benefits — and drawbacks — of this method?
What is baby led weaning? How can you introduce foods safely? And what are some of the benefits — and drawbacks — of this method?
You and your baby are off to a great start with breastfeeding- and then all of the sudden you think your milk supply is starting to decrease. Is that really the case? How much milk does your baby need and how can you overcome challenges such as growth spurts and distractions?
We're launching a new series focused on feeding your child. In this episode, learn more how to effectively transition your baby to solids after six months. How do you know if they're ready? And what are the best foods to try first?
Introducing solids to your kiddo can also be a confusing time. For a lot of parents, it is a period of anxiety as they wonder when, how, and what to feed their baby. If you fall into this category, don't worry. We've got you covered. Here are some tips and tricks that will help you introduce solids to your baby in no time.
Your baby is at least six months, and you're ready to start incorporating additional foods into his diet. But before you read for the jars of baby food, you may want to consider baby-led weaning- a process allowing babies to control their solid food consumption.
Many babies have food allergies or sensitivities that can be tricky for parents to navigate. What are the most common types of reactions to watch out for?
Have you been thinking about weaning your baby? Congratulations! This is a huge milestone in your little one’s life and you should be extremely proud! You’ve probably heard about baby-led weaning. It is a method of starting solids that lets babies jump straight to solids, skipping purees and mashed food. A lot of parents love it because it allows their little ones to choose what and how much they want to eat. Here is everything you need to start baby-led weaning.
We continue to follow three new moms on their breastfeeding journeys. At six months, how often are our moms breastfeeding? Have they done anything special to maintain or increase milk supply? Plus, the moms prepare for the introduction of solid foods.