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Show: Preggie Pals
Sleep is important throughout your pregnancy. But trying to get comfortable with a growing belly and all that pressure on your bladder can be tough. This episode explores various ways you can help your body relax so you and your baby can rest.
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Show: Parent Savers
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or SIDS, is the leading cause of death for babies one year and younger. There's a lot of questions surrounding SIDs, but what information do we have to protect our little ones? How can you reduce your baby's risk?
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From: Blog
A newborn baby may not exactly sleep like a baby straight out of the womb. Based on their sleep patterns, you may even think that they’ve got day and night completely mixed up. The best way to get started on your journey to helping your baby sleep like a baby is by first understanding why they don’t.
Show: Parent Savers
You're a new parent, which means you're probably not getting much sleep right now. How important are sleep cycles for a new baby? Are naps really a necessity? And how can you better ease your baby to slumber so you both get some much needed shut eye?
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