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Show: Newbies
Is your baby prone to diaper rashes or eczema? Are you struggling to treat cradle cap or baby acne? Many products that claim to help these kinds of skin issues contain ingredients that can actually aggravate the problem. So how do you know what is safe to put on your baby's brand new skin? And what ingredients should you avoid at all costs?
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From: Blog
One of the most common physical changes that most women go through after giving birth is getting stretch marks.
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Show: Preggie Pals
You've probably heard horror stories about stretch marks, right? But what exactly are stretch marks and what causes them? Do lotions, creams and other procedures really work? And is there any way to prevent them?
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Show: The Boob Group
All breastfeeding and pumping mothers need support. But sometimes there are barriers, usually for women of color. Some of these barriers include inaccurate stereotypes, lack of resources and less opportunity to work with specialists of color, who can better relate to their situation. So, what does this racial divide mean for the lactation community? Today we’re exploring some of the big issues.
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