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Show: The Boob Group
Returning from maternity leave can be stressful enough, but dealing with an unsupportive employer can make the situation even worse. What are your pumping rights and how can you ensure these rights are properly enforced and upheld?
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Show: The Boob Group
We all have our own unique breastfeeding challenges. Overcoming those challenges and persevering can greatly empower you on your breastfeeding journey. April learned about her aggressive cancer just 11 days after giving birth to her fourth child. Determined to breastfeed her baby, April pumped and dumped her breast milk throughout her chemo treatments in order to keep her milk supply. This is her amazing story of strength and determination.
Show: The Boob Group
When it comes to breastfeeding, it seems like everyone has an opinion they want to share. But, that doesn't mean the information is always accurate. This episode explores common myths and misconceptions when it comes to milk supply.
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Show: The Boob Group
Expressed breast milk can be quite convenient considering our busy schedules. How can you help your baby go back and forth between breast and bottle?
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Show: The Boob Group
It’s time to wean your baby, but how? Weaning from breastfeeding is one thing, but what about our pumping mamas out there? How do you wean when you’re primarily pumping for your baby? How long will it take? How do you know when you’re ready? And what are some of the challenges, both mentally and physically?
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Show: The Boob Group
What happens when life throws you a curveball and you’re unable to breastfeed? What? Is that even possible? Weren’t our bodies designed to nourish our babies? If you’re a mom struggling with not being able to breastfeed your baby- you’re not alone. And sometimes you just need to let go.
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Show: Newbies
What are typical pumping schedules for both exclusive pumpers and combo feeders? What are some hurdles new moms have faced? And what are some pumping hacks that make the journey easier?
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Show: The Boob Group
Going back to work after having your baby may seem daunting, but having support from your employer and colleagues definitely helps. How do you approach your employer about your pumping needs? Should you give your colleagues a “heads up” about what your schedule will be like when you return to work? And what do you do if things just aren’t working out as planned once you’re back at work?
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Show: The Boob Group
We’re moms and we all want what’s best for our babies, right? If we truly believe that, then why aren’t we more supportive of one another? We can’t possibly know all the reasons behind a mom’s decision to feed her baby- whether it’s by breastfeeding, pumping, milk sharing, or formula feeding. And still we end up judging one another, unfairly. So, how can we change this?
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Show: The Boob Group
Are you a single mom and breastfeeding or pumping for your baby? How do you have time to manage it all? If you’re sharing custody of your child, how do you handle time away so you don’t experience a drop in milk supply? How do you manage the stress of being a single parent? Today single moms share their experience to help other moms going through the same thing. We’re supporting one another.
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