Easing the Back-to-School Transition for Your Toddler or Preschooler

Is your little one heading back to preschool or starting for the first time? It can be a both scary and exciting thing for both you and your child.
Is your little one heading back to preschool or starting for the first time? It can be a both scary and exciting thing for both you and your child.
Starting preschool is a big step for many toddlers, and for parents! So, what can you do to prepare your little one for the big day? How can you help make drop-off go smoothly (with less tears)? And what's the best way to communicate with their teachers so you both can plan for the best experience possible?
Are your twins ready for preschool? What types of schools are available to your children? Should you send them to the same class, or divide them up? And how can you make the transition to preschool a tad bit easier?
The dreaded time has come when you have to find someone else to watch your child. With all the options out there, how do you determine what type of childcare is best for you and your baby?