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Why Not Use the Hot Tub While Pregnant?

When your whole body aches, the idea of climbing into a tub of warm bubbles might seem tempting. But hot tubs are a no no during pregnancy. Buy why? Is it just about the heat, or do you need to be concerned about the chemicals in the water? Plus, ways you can still be social when your friends want to take a dip!

Stretch Marks During Pregnancy

Research shows that approximately 90% of women will get stretch marks during or after pregnancy, but luckily there are some techniques to prevent them and minimize their appearance. If you’re a new mom (or a not so new mom!) you may have questions about these little battle wounds. Wonder no more; today’s post will tell you everything you need to know about stretch marks.

Prenatal Testing: Non-Stress Test

As you get closer to your due date, your provider may perform a fetal non-stress test. The non-stress test (or NST, as it’s sometimes called) is an alternative to the contraction stress test. The NST gives similar results, but is less invasive and therefore more commonly used. Read on for all the details on this prenatal test!

What Are the Signs of Labor?

If you’re expecting your first baby, you might be wondering… How will I know if I’m in labor? Will early labor and contractions be obvious? Will my water dramatically break like it does on television? Contrary to what you might see on the television and in movies, the water breaking is the first thing to happen only in about 20% of pregnancies.

Expecting More® DVD Series

Prenatal fitness guru and new mom, Sara Haley, designed Expecting More® to help fit and healthy moms-to-be stay motivated, inspired and fit throughout their pregnancy. Based on her own experience with pregnancy, as well as training other pre and post-natal women, Sara saw the need for a comprehensive prenatal DVD training program. Expecting More® provides six different… Continue Reading