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Choosing Your Health Care Provider: Pediatrician

You're in the process of picking out your dream team when it comes to pregnancy and birthing your baby. But what about picking a pediatrician to help care for your baby? That's right! Choosing your pediatrician is highly recommended prior to your baby's birth! How do you find a pediatrician that's right for your family? What important questions should you ask them? And what type of care can you expect shortly after delivering your baby?

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Delivering a Breech Baby

You were planning for a vaginal birth, but then you learn your baby is breech. Fetal position is often overlooked until late in the pregnancy, so what are your options? Should you try and get your baby to turn? Can you deliver a breech baby vaginally? What are the concerns for both mom and baby?

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How to Choose Between a Bassinet and a Crib

As first-time moms, we tend to get overwhelmed with choosing what to buy for our babies, so we usually end up buying almost everything! Sometimes we're just a bit naive, while other times it's precautionary - we’d rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it. As we mature on our journey through motherhood, we learn the subtle difference between must-haves, nice-to-haves, and simply cute. There are still, however, a few grey areas with some baby items. The choice between a bassinet and crib is one such area for some moms.