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You’ve just peed on the stick and it’s positive. Now what? Most care providers will schedule your first prenatal appointment at the eight week mark. So, what are you supposed to do in the meantime?
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Show: Twin Talks
Learning you're pregnant with twins can certainly send you on an emotional rollercoaster. In this episode, our twin moms share how they felt about being pregnant with twins. What initial concerns did they have? How did they manage any additional stress?
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Show: Preggie Pals
Today we are discussing the importance of finding childcare while pregnant!
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Show: Preggie Pals
Your body is changing and most of these changes are normal. But, when should you be concerned? We're focusing on the top 10 warnings signs that warrant a phone call to your medical care provider.
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Show: Preggie Pals
Parents-to-be usually receive the option of testing for genetic defects. Learn more about prenatal testing and genetic counseling available to help decipher the results of these tests.
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Show: Preggie Pals
There are three main stages of labor during childbirth. What typically happens during each stage and how can you be better prepared?
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Show: The Boob Group
Did you know the way you become pregnant can impact your overall breastfeeding success? An Australian study suggests mothers who become pregnant through IVF (in-vitro fertilization) may experience more challenges when trying to nurse their babies. What are some of the challenges mothers face when breastfeeding after IVF? And what can determined moms do to improve their overall experience?
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Show: Preggie Pals
With more babies being born by Cesarean section, a new movement is campaigning to create a more natural experience for both mom and baby. It's known as the "Natural Cesarean" or "Family-Centered Cesarean". But, is it right for you?
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Show: Twin Talks
As a twin parent, it's a question you commonly get, sometimes from complete strangers. Did you have your twins "naturally" or through fertility treatments? The question is a bit invasive, we agree. This episode explores the different ways fertility treatments can increase your chances of having twins.
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Show: Preggie Pals
Practical tips and strategies to help you tackle common challenges and set yourself up for breastfeeding success
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Show: Preggie Pals
Breast is always best for your newborn baby. But, there may be times when you're away from your baby and need some expressed breast milk. What types of breast pumps are available to you? We'll explain the basic features so you can determine what to put on your baby registry.
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