Breastfeeding Your Baby in the NICU

The separation between mother and baby while in the NICU can be difficult. How can a mom maximize her breastfeeding success under these circumstances?
The separation between mother and baby while in the NICU can be difficult. How can a mom maximize her breastfeeding success under these circumstances?
If your baby is having a hard time latching, he may need a nipple shield to help get breastfeeding off to a good start. And even though nipple shields can help, there are definite pros and cons to using them. What's the correct way to use them? And when should you perhaps try other alternatives?
You've experienced some complications during your pregnancy, and suddenly, you're on bedrest. But, does bedrest really work? Plus, what are some helpful tips to pass the time as you wait for your little one to arrive?
When we're pregnant, we all hope for a healthy baby and a safe labor and delivery experience. And sometimes the best outcome for mom and baby is giving birth much sooner than expected. How does breastfeeding change as the parent of a preemie? What kind of support can you expect from the hospital? How can you maintain your milk supply even when your baby is too small to feed from the breast? And what are your options when it comes to donor milk?