Pain Management
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Show: Preggie Pals
We're continuing our series on ways to naturally manage common pregnancy discomforts. In this episode, you'll learn more about the art of acupuncture, which is a safe, comfortable and cost effective treatment for many of the problems that commonly develop in pregnancy.
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Show: Preggie Pals
Pregnancy isn't always comfortable. In this series, we'll explore natural ways to overcome common discomforts. This first episode focuses on how you can use physically therapy to naturally remedy your aches and pains associated with pregnancy.
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Show: Preggie Pals
We're continuing our series focused on natural ways to relieve pregnancy discomfort. In this episode, we'll learn more about the benefits of prenatal massage. What should you expect from this type of therapy and how can it help you throughout your pregnancy?
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Show: Preggie Pals
The ability to experience childbirth with ease, control and effectiveness- that's what the Alexander Technique is all about. Learn more about this method which not only helps during labor and delivery, but is used by professionals all over the world.
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So, you’re going for an unmedicated birth… but what happens if you need some pain relief before your baby is born? What options do you have if you still want to have a natural childbirth experience?
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