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Show: The Boob Group
Is your Pediatrician supportive of breastfeeding? Unfortunately, that is not always the case. So how do you find a physician who will be helpful to you as you breastfeed your baby? And what's the best way to discuss breastfeeding issues with your Pediatrician?
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Show: The Boob Group
Life can be hectic as a working mom- juggling your job, family and your sanity! But what about food? Sometimes we eat our emotions away when we are stressed out. So, as breastfeeding and pumping moms, how do we balance what we eat? What are some key ingredients you can quickly add to each meal to give you strength and help with milk supply?
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Show: Preggie Pals
When pregnant, having an "uneventful" or "boring" pregnancy is actually exactly what your medical care provider wants. A pregnancy with few complications will keep you "low risk". So, what exactly does having a low risk pregnancy look like? And what can you do to keep it that way?
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Show: Preggie Pals
We all know that eating healthy during pregnancy is important, but what are the most important foods to eat while pregnant? We're breaking down the top 10 list of important foods your body needs and how to prepare them.
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Show: Parent Savers
What's the best way to handle picky eaters? How do you ensure your kids are getting all the nutrients they need when their diet mainly consists of mac and cheese?
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From: Blog
Do you really need to take my prenatal vitamins? This is a valid question, especially if the mother maintains a healthy diet with nutrient-rich foods. Some pregnant moms are also looking at their mounting expenses and trying to figure out how they can cut back, without it backfiring. So let’s discuss the basics of prenatal vitamins and why it’s recommended by the experts.
Show: Preggie Pals
From the moment we find out we’re pregnant… we’re told we need to take these- prenatal vitamins. And it makes sense. We know our bodies are working overtime to make a tiny human. But what are these vitamins actually doing for us? What should we be looking for in a prenatal vitamin? And perhaps more importantly, what should we try to avoid? Today we’re learning all about the ingredients inside prenatal vitamins.
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Show: Preggie Pals
So much is happening with your body during pregnancy. It's easy to feel lost, confused and even frustrated by all these changes. How do you overcome feelings of doubt and insecurity during a time that's supposed to be hopeful and happy?
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Show: The Boob Group
Breast milk alone may not provide all the vitamins a growing baby needs. What other essentials are needed and when should your baby get them?
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Show: Newbies
Your baby is here! But you're so busy taking care of your little one that you forget to take care of yourself. Sound familiar? But did you know that good nutrition is super important for new moms- whether your breastfeeding your baby or you're simply helping your body heal from childbirth.
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