Nursing Rooms
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Show: The Boob Group
Nursing rooms have now become a popular thing. More and more venues, public spaces and businesses are recognizing the importance of accommodating moms who breastfeed and breast pump. So, how can small businesses support moms coming into their stores? What's really needed to create a nursing room? What are other options for helping moms if you don't have much space? And how can you promote these services and help grow your business?
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Show: The Boob Group
We are busy multi-tasking mamas, and many of us are breastfeeding and pumping for our babies on-the-go. So, what happens when you need some privacy when you’re out in public with your baby? What are public nursing or lactation rooms and how can they help?
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From: App Reviews
Need a find a place to breastfeed or pump? Now moms on-the-go can use GPS technology and discover locations anywhere in the United States! You can even submit your favorite spots, post photos/reviews and more!
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