Should I Eat My Placenta?
You birthed your baby, and then your birthed your placenta. So, now what do you do with it? You could take it home with you... and perhaps eat it. What?!?
You birthed your baby, and then your birthed your placenta. So, now what do you do with it? You could take it home with you... and perhaps eat it. What?!?
Birth certificates and social security cards, most of us use this information on a daily basis. And all the paperwork to create those documents start the moment you are born. As a parent, what do you need to know about filling-out these documents for your child? How does the processing of these documents differ if delivering in a hospital versus a birthing center?
What are the most common stressors new parents experience? And how can you overcome those issues and experience more happiness and stability?
Labels that say "Natural", "Green", and "Organic" aren't always what they seem. How do parents really know if a company's eco-friendly product labeling is true?
It's amazing how quickly your life changes the moment you have a baby. With so much to do, you may find yourself feeling isolated from the outside world. How do you overcome these issues so you have more friends than just the ones you find on facebook?
We've heard about postpartum depression and perhaps we have friends affected by it. But what about twin mamas? If you are carrying multiple babies, are you more prone to experiencing postpartum depression? What can you expect? And is there anything you can do to avoid it or perhaps minimize the risks?
If you are reading this, you probably have an adorable little one who’s ready to start solids. Congratulations! This is a massive milestone and you should be super proud of yourself (and your little one!).
After you have your baby, you may be experiencing a wide range of emotions. If you're not feeling completely elated shortly after the birth of your baby- don't worry, that can be completely normal. So, what are the common symptoms and how do you know if your condition is more severe?
It's time to travel with your kids. So, what do you need to know before you hop in your minivan and head for your destination? What tips and tricks can make travel a little easier, whether you're bringing babies, infants or toddlers? How can you beat the boredom and the dreaded question "Are we there yet?"
Who are you, now that you're a mom? How do you shift between caring for yourself, your partner and this new little being that just came into the world? How do you discover your new identity?