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Show: Parent Savers
You dream about your kids loving each other and playing together, completely content. But then reality strikes. Is fighting between siblings at an early age avoidable? And what are some common warning signs to help you manage the situation better?
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Show: Twin Talks
Are you planning on returning to work after having twins? If so, how can you find flexibility in your existing job or in a new job that allows to you be the hands-on parent that you desire and still be a breadwinner? Our twin moms share their personal experience!
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Show: Twin Talks
Are you prepared to pay for two sets of college tuition at the same time or pay for major life events like weddings or house down payments? The thought of just one of these is overwhelming, much less paying for two at a time! What can you do to plan ahead and save money for the future of twin parenting?
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From: Blog
Social interaction is crucial for every child's development. Playdates provide the opportunity for kids to learn essential skills like sharing, communication, and cooperation, all while having fun and forming precious friendships.
Show: Parent Savers
You're ready to put your child in daycare, or perhaps you just need to get away and hire a babysitter for a night. How do you do it without breaking the bank? We've got some great financial tips to help you better prepare.
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From: Blog
As a new parent, you've probably heard it all by now. Every day you are constantly bombarded with advice for ensuring your baby's healthy development. However, one seemingly simple yet crucial practice that often gets overlooked is tummy time.
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Show: Newbies
How often should you nurse to bring in your supply? How important is skin to skin contact with your baby? What can you to do help regulate an oversupply so you don't feel engorged? Moms with new babies speak out about what worked best for them!
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From: Blog
As parents, we want our kids to have strong, loving relationships with each other. Siblings play an important role in each other’s lives.
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From: Blog
Breastfeeding can be draining. It can also leave you hungry. That’s why maintaining a nutritious diet during this demanding time of your life is important. It is the key to sustaining your energy levels, supporting milk production, and keeping you satisfied.
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From: Blog
In this tech-savvy age, screens surround us everywhere. From smartphones to tablets, TVs to laptops, it's hard to escape the glow of screens. But have you ever wondered how all this screen time might be affecting your toddler's development?
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