New Moms

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How to Bond with Your Newborn

Giving birth is one of the most rewarding and challenging experiences anyone can go through. It is completely normal to feel a mix of emotions, from excitement and love to anxiety and doubt. You’ve just started a new part of your life, and it’s a massive undertaking.  One of the things that might be giving you anxiety is how you are going to bond with your newborn. So how do you do it?

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Are You a Helicopter Parent?

As parents, we all want to protect our children and keep them safe and healthy. But it can become problematic when parents continuously remove obstacles to ensure that their kids never experience disappointment discomfort, heartbreak, or pain. What typically causes parents to "hover" over their kids? What are the pros and the cons? And what traits and characteristics typically develop in your child as a result?

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How to Create a Sleep Schedule For Your Baby

When your baby sleeps better, it allows you to get more rest and feel refreshed during the day. This puts you in a great mental space, which helps you to better care for your kiddo. But how exactly do you create this sleep schedule for your baby? Well, in this guide, we will discuss the importance of understanding your baby's sleep needs, how to set up a sleep schedule, and how to implement the schedule.