New Moms
Producer Pick
After you have your baby, you may be experiencing a wide range of emotions. If you’re not feeling completely elated shortly after the birth of your baby- don’t worry, that can be completely normal. So, what are the common symptoms and how do you know if your condition is more severe?
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Show: Twin Talks
Learning you're pregnant with twins can certainly send you on an emotional rollercoaster. In this episode, our twin moms share how they felt about being pregnant with twins. What initial concerns did they have? How did they manage any additional stress?
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Show: Twin Talks
Twice the fun and twice the mess (usually)! If you're a parent of toddler twins, it's hard to imagine meal time where the majority of the food actually ends up in mouths rather than lying on the floor. So, how do you keep your twinnies from spitting out the food and throwing their bowls, plates and spoons across the room?
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Show: Twin Talks
It's a parent's worse nightmare. One minute your child is fine and the next minute she's not breathing. Worse yet, you don't really know why it happened. This is what it's like to suddenly lose a child from SIDS. And unfortunately, SIDS rates are higher for families of twins.
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Show: Newbies
Your baby is here! But you're so busy taking care of your little one that you forget to take care of yourself. Sound familiar? But did you know that good nutrition is super important for new moms- whether your breastfeeding your baby or you're simply helping your body heal from childbirth.
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Show: Parent Savers
Fighting among your kids can really frustrating for parents. How do you know where to draw the line? What role should parents have during these disagreements? What are some of the positive and negative consequences of sibling rivalry that can sometimes lead to fights? Plus, we'll discuss some strategies to help you keep the peace!
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Show: The Boob Group
For many new moms, breastfeeding and sleep go hand-in-hand. And it can sometimes be challenging to find the best blend to ensure your baby gets the best nutrition while still allowing you some much-needed shut-eye. Hear what worked for our mamas!
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Show: Parent Savers
Your baby has entered the whole of solid foods. But, before you go out and buy your favorite brand of baby food, consider your options. What are the benefits of making your own baby food? And what are some quick and simple recipes that won't break the bank?
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Show: Twin Talks
If you have a tummy pooch that won’t go away, or if your belly button mysteriously became an outie when it was always an innie... then you may have Diastasis Recti. Learn more about this condition commonly effecting twin moms and what can be done about it.
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Show: Twin Talks
What are some smart strategies when shopping for your dynamic duo? How can resources such as twins clubs, Craigslist and other special "mom" clubs help? Plus, do the twin discounts from retailers really help?
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Show: Twin Talks
You've probably seen tons of adorable photos of twins and thought "how did they do that"? Are the photos done professionally? Can you get similar results on your own? What kind of camera and lighting did they use? And how on earth did they get those twins to pose so perfectly for the camera? Join us as we get the inside scoop on how to get the best photographs of your twins!
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