New Mom

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Setting Boundaries As a New Parent and Sticking to Them

You just got home from the hospital and all 30 cousins on your mother’s side want to meet the new baby. We’ve all been in situations where we’ve made ourselves uncomfortable because we don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. And early parenthood is full of decisions like this. So today, we’re talking about boundaries – how to set boundaries that work for your family – and how to stick to them even when the in-laws or well-meaning grandmothers push back. We’re here to help you know you’re not alone and hopefully give you some encouragement along the way.

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Diaper Bag Basics: What to Pack

Ever get that nagging feeling that you’ve forgotten something important when you are just about to leave the house with your little one? There’s nothing more annoying than that, is there? To help you out, we decided to come up with this handy list for you, containing everything you need to pack in your diaper bag. With it, you’ll never forget to pack anything important ever again!

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Creating and Organizing Your Family Calendar

Families today are busy, and the family calendar is typically the glue that holds everything together. There are lots of different apps to help you keep track of everything, so how do you determine which one is best for your family? Which apps are compatible with which devices? And what about the good ole' paper calendar? We have some great tips to keep your family on track!

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