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Show: Parent Savers
Naps are important- for both you and your child. It gives everyone a break and allows us to re-boot and prepare for the rest of the day. How often should your child be napping, and for how long? What should you do if you accidentally skip a nap or your schedule is off? And what are your options if your little one is absolutely refusing naps altogether?
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Show: Newbies
As your baby grows, so does his ability to sleep for longer periods of time. So, how does this impact the naps you have scheduled throughout the day? How much sleep does your baby really need?
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Show: Parent Savers
You've mastered potty training during the day, but naps and overnights are a completely different story. What prevents children from not being able to control the bladder during these times? And what are some great tips to improve the clean-up process?
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Show: Newbies
Sleep can be so hard to come by in the early days of parenthood, and many parents will try anything and everything to help their babies sleep better.
Show: Parent Savers
You're a new parent, which means you're probably not getting much sleep right now. How important are sleep cycles for a new baby? Are naps really a necessity? And how can you better ease your baby to slumber so you both get some much needed shut eye?
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