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Show: Preggie Pals
You have sudden bursts of energy prompting you to re-organize your sock drawer, clean out the frig or spend countless hours picking out the perfect colors to compliment your new baby nursery. Sound familiar? What is the nesting instinct during pregnancy? How instinctual is it really?
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Show: Preggie Pals
Pregnancy is supposed to be a time of great joy, unfortunately, at least one in ten pregnant women suffers from bouts of prenatal anxiety and depression. What typically triggers these feelings, and how do you know when extra support is needed?
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Show: The Boob Group
Did you know unusual amounts of stress can impact the breastfeeding relationship you have with your baby? So, what can be do about it? How does fear and anxiety impact your baby?
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From: App Reviews
The perfect companion for tracking your moods and emotions, and everything else that can affect how you feel. The fun yet powerful design will help you understand what causes your emotions to change, and get you on the path to feeling good.
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