Why More Women are Calling Their Midwife

Whether this is your first pregnancy or second you will need to think about the care team you would like to have while carrying your bundle of joy.
You’re mid-pregnancy and you need to change your medical care provider. Eeek! So, what happens next? How do you tactfully “break-up” with your current provider and how do you (quickly) find someone new who can help you?
Whether this is your first pregnancy or second you will need to think about the care team you would like to have while carrying your bundle of joy.
You know you want to birth with a midwifery team however you aren’t sure how to choose the one right for you.
You know you want to birth with a midwifery team however you aren’t sure how to choose the one right for you. Today we are speaking with Sarah Tunney a very experienced midwife to chat about why experience matters especially for high risk pregnancies and deliveries.
Yay! You are pregnant! Now comes thinking about and planning your birth.
We're continuing our series to help you choose the best health care providers for your birth. In this episode, we'll explore the role of a midwife. What are a midwife's primary responsibilities and how can you find the right one for you?
When pregnant, having an "uneventful" or "boring" pregnancy is actually exactly what your medical care provider wants. A pregnancy with few complications will keep you "low risk". So, what exactly does having a low risk pregnancy look like? And what can you do to keep it that way?
We're launching a new series all about your choices of how to birth your baby. In this episode, we're learning all about planned homebirth. What typically happens during a homebirth and how can you better prepare to have the best experience possible?
You're mid-pregnancy and you need to change your medical care provider. Eeek! So, what happens next? How do you tactfully "break-up" with your current provider and how do you (quickly) find someone new who can help you?
Planning on a waterbirth? Well, how do you prepare and what should you expect? Consider this your crash course on exactly what waterbirth is so you can determine if it's the right option for you and your family.
You have a growing belly, and with that comes pressure on your back. So, what are some ways you can naturally treat this pain during pregnancy?