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Childbirth Preparation Methods: Bini Birth

Bini Birth explores many different methods of childbirth, approaching birth as an individual process that each woman explores in her own way. Today we'll hear from its creator Ana Paula Markel. What are the main principles behind this practice? What are the most effective ways to learn its principles? And what should you expect if you take a class?

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Epidurals, Spinals and Pain Medications

We've all seen the images on television and in the movies. A woman in labor screams her head off as she's pushing her baby through the birth canal. We've been trained to think this experience is going to be painful. So, what are your pain management options? What are epidurals and spinals and when are they used? What additional medications help take the edge off while allowing you to stay mobile throughout labor and delivery?

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What Are the Signs of Labor?

If you’re expecting your first baby, you might be wondering… How will I know if I’m in labor? Will early labor and contractions be obvious? Will my water dramatically break like it does on television? Contrary to what you might see on the television and in movies, the water breaking is the first thing to happen only in about 20% of pregnancies.