Labor and Delivery
Producer Pick
Sometimes unexpected events during childbirth can wound a new mother. The physical scars fade, but the emotional trauma can produce feelings of helplessness, shame and defeat. How can a mother process these emotions and even embrace them as moments of courage and strength, rather than weakness? And how can loved ones support mom during this important transition?
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Show: Preggie Pals
With more babies being born by Cesarean section, a new movement is campaigning to create a more natural experience for both mom and baby. It's known as the "Natural Cesarean" or "Family-Centered Cesarean". But, is it right for you?
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Show: Preggie Pals
You've reached the end of your pregnancy. Your due date has passed and still no baby. Fortunately, there are some safe non-invasive ways to give your baby a gentle nudge down the birth canal.
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Show: Twin Talks
Sometimes it's an emergency and sometimes it's planned, but still many mothers of twins birth their babies via cesarean. How should you prepare for the surgery? And what can you expect to have happen in the operating room?
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Show: Preggie Pals
We're kicking off our ongoing series focusing on the different methods you can use to stay strong and in control during your labor and delivery. In this episode, we'll explore the philosophies and guiding principles to Birthing From Within.
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Show: Twin Talks
Congrats! You're pregnant with twins! So, how does pregnancy with multiples differ from being pregnant with a singleton? What type of additional testing and prenatal care should you expect?
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Show: Preggie Pals
Your first baby was born via c-section and with this time you're hoping to have a vaginal birth, or VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). You may have heard about some of the risks, but what does it all actually mean? Are VBACs more risky than having a repeat c-section? What factors should you consider before making this big decision for both you and your baby?
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Show: Preggie Pals
Birth center options for labor and birth and what you need to know before you give birth.
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Show: Twin Talks
Yes! A vaginal birth is possible when you're pregnant with twins! So, what makes you a good candidate for giving birth this way? How should you prepare yourself? And is it true that you really have to labor in the operating room?
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Show: Preggie Pals
When you first find out you're pregnant, you probably aren't thinking much about your cervix. But this tiny organ is already preparing for your baby. It softens, lengthens, elongates, dilates, thins, and does all sorts of interesting things right up to the moment your baby is born. Learn more about what causes these changes and what it means for your labor and delivery experience!
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Show: Preggie Pals
We're continuing our ongoing series on the different types of childbirth preparation methods. In this episode, we'll explore the Lamaze technique and it helps expectant mothers to prepare psychologically and physically to give birth without the use of drugs.
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