Producer Pick
One of the greatest gifts we can give our kids is confidence. Why is it important to raise confident children? What steps can you take to improve confidence in your kids whenever possible? And what’s the main difference between self esteem and confidence?
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Show: Parent Savers
One of the greatest gifts we can give our kids is confidence. Why is it important to raise confident children? What steps can you take to improve confidence in your kids whenever possible? And what's the main difference between self esteem and confidence?
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Show: Parent Savers
As adults, we know yoga is good for our bodies. But, did you know yoga can benefit kids as well? We'll learn about an innovative program designed to entertain kids all while teaching them the benefits of the age old practice.
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Show: Parent Savers
Forget the TV- grab some fun, hands-on games and hangout with your family! If you have a toddler, this is the perfect time to introduce board games, cards and anything that uses their imagination! In this episode, our parents chat about what games their kids like the most and how family game nights are creating awesome memories for their kiddos (and some pretty funny inside jokes too)!
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Show: Parent Savers
Summer is here, and many families will be having tons of fun at theme parks and fairs. But before you purchase those tickets, consider these safety tips aimed at protecting your family and keeping everyone safe in large crowds.
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Show: Parent Savers
Like it or not, technology is part of our everyday lives, which means our kids are exposed to it too. Is this really a bad thing? If done in moderation, can these electronic games, toys and tablets actually makes our kids smarter?
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Show: Twin Talks
You're getting ready to send your twins to kindergarten, but are they really ready? How do you know? What if one child is ready and the other isn't, do you still send them both? Do you put them in the same class? Learn how various twin types may react to this new social environment.
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Show: Parent Savers
Nervous to travel with kids this holiday season? What are the common pitfalls many parents face? And how can you overcome these issues and avoid major meltdowns as you travel to see friends and family during the next couple months?
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Show: Parent Savers
Playdates are a great way to get out of the house, meet other parents and help your child learn social skills be interacting with other kids his age. So, do you need to know when it comes to playdate etiquette? We'll discuss some of the most common "unwritten rules".
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Show: Parent Savers
Parents with more than one child typically try to keep an even playing field with their kids. But there are times when parents may unintentionally show favoritism toward a specific child based on the situation. So, how does this impact your children and the relationship they have with you as well as their siblings?
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Show: Parent Savers
When your child is bored, you may become the center of their attention. So, what do you do when your child depends on you for entertainment and the timing just isn't right? Perhaps you're waiting at the doctor's office, maybe your making dinner or giving your other children a bath? How do you keep older children occupied without handing them some sort of electronic device? They're called "busy bags" and creating some in advance might just save your sanity.
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