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Show: Twin Talks
As a twin parent, it's a question you commonly get, sometimes from complete strangers. Did you have your twins "naturally" or through fertility treatments? The question is a bit invasive, we agree. This episode explores the different ways fertility treatments can increase your chances of having twins.
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Show: Preggie Pals
We're continuing our ongoing series focused on getting pregnant. In this episode, we provide an overview of your options to increase your chances of becoming pregnant after your doctor has diagnosed you with having issues with infertility.
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Show: Preggie Pals
We continue our series focused on getting pregnant. In this episode, what's involved in a basic infertility evaluation? What exactly are medical providers looking for and what tests and exams are typically performed?
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Show: Preggie Pals
You already know the basics of baby making, but medically-speaking, the process of getting pregnant is nothing short of a miracle. Learn more about how ovulation occurs, the amazing race to fertilize the egg and how that union transforms into your child.
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