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Show: Preggie Pals
You suddenly have an intense craving for certain foods that you must eat immediately. Or the opposite happens, and even the thought of certain foods or smells makes you want to lose your lunch. Why is our body acting so wacky?
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Show: Parent Savers
Your baby is at least six months, and you're ready to start incorporating additional foods into his diet. But before you read for the jars of baby food, you may want to consider baby-led weaning- a process allowing babies to control their solid food consumption.
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Show: Preggie Pals
You've heard "breast is best", but what exactly are the benefits to breastfeeding your baby? We'll give you 10 reasons to help keep you motivated and increase your chance of success!
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Show: Parent Savers
You probably know a young child with a food allergy- perhaps that child is even your own. What exactly is a food allergy and how does it differ from an intolerance or sensitivity? What symptoms and signs should new parents look for in their children? Plus, we'll break down the top 8 most common food allergy culprits causing most of the fuss.
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Show: The Boob Group
Life can be hectic as a working mom- juggling your job, family and your sanity! But what about food? Sometimes we eat our emotions away when we are stressed out. So, as breastfeeding and pumping moms, how do we balance what we eat? What are some key ingredients you can quickly add to each meal to give you strength and help with milk supply?
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Show: Preggie Pals
We all know that eating healthy during pregnancy is important, but what are the most important foods to eat while pregnant? We're breaking down the top 10 list of important foods your body needs and how to prepare them.
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Show: Parent Savers
What's the best way to handle picky eaters? How do you ensure your kids are getting all the nutrients they need when their diet mainly consists of mac and cheese?
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From: Blog
If you are like most breastfeeding moms, you’re probably worried about how the food you eat will affect the quality of your breast milk. You may also be wondering whether you need to avoid certain foods in order to prevent allergies in your little one. Or perhaps you’d like to know what foods you need to eat more of to boost your milk supply. If these are some of the questions going through your mind right now, you have come to the right place. We’ll cover everything you need to know about what foods to eat while breastfeeding. We’ll also highlight some of the foods you might want to avoid until you are ready to wean your little one.
Show: Twin Talks
Twice the fun and twice the mess (usually)! If you're a parent of toddler twins, it's hard to imagine meal time where the majority of the food actually ends up in mouths rather than lying on the floor. So, how do you keep your twinnies from spitting out the food and throwing their bowls, plates and spoons across the room?
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From: Videos
As parents, we're always trying to get our kids to finish their food. But what about babies? What should you do if you’re trying to feed your baby, but he’s just not having it? When it’s time to eat, should you make your baby eat... even if he isn’t interested?
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