How a birth doula lowers your risk for intervention

Yay! You are pregnant! Now comes thinking about and planning your birth.
Yay! You are pregnant! Now comes thinking about and planning your birth.
Becoming a mother is a profound journey of transformation unlike any other. Throughout pregnancy, your body undergoes remarkable changes, nurturing and protecting the tiny life growing within you.
You've heard about women accidentally leaking urine after having a baby, but for some, the issue can be much more severe. We're shedding light on an issue that's commonly overlooked in the medical community, yet it has greatly impacted the lives of new mothers everywhere.
We've all seen the images on television and in the movies. A woman in labor screams her head off as she's pushing her baby through the birth canal. We've been trained to think this experience is going to be painful. So, what are your pain management options? What are epidurals and spinals and when are they used? What additional medications help take the edge off while allowing you to stay mobile throughout labor and delivery?