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Show: Parent Savers
You've considered cloth diapers, but you haven't quite made the commitment. It may seem a bit overwhelming at first, but today we're going to help demystify the process. What exactly are the current cloth diaper styles available? How do they differ from one another? Plus, the question everyone wants to know... what do you do with the poop?
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From: Blog
There are many benefits to using cloth diapers over disposables, but if you’re confused about the process, you’re not alone. Cloth diapering educator Amy Kessler gives us the run down on why cloth is best and how to avoid common mistakes.
From: Product Reviews
The Potty Patrol Starter Kit is everything you need to begin potty training your little one. The kit includes an alarm (with batteries built in), 24 sensor diapers, and a training guide. Once the Potty Patrol system detects wetness, the alarm alerts parent and child so you can place your child on the toilet to finish. Placing… Continue Reading