Child Behavior
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Show: Parent Savers
Sudden meltdowns, kicking and screaming, head beating against the floor (or some other hard surface). If you're the parent of the toddler, this is probably a regular occurrence in your home. So, are you supposed to just grin and bare it? We've got some tips to help when your tiny tot throws a tantrum.
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Show: Parent Savers
Power struggles while parenting is common, but it can also be stressful, unpleasant and negatively impact the relationship with your child? What's really happening during these power struggles and how do you work through them?
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Show: Parent Savers
You love your children. And because we want them to be happy, new parents might be tempted to overindulge. But how do you know if you're spoiling your children? In what ways do parents typically spoil their children and how can it impact them long-term? And if you are spoiling your children, what are some simple ways to correct the issue so it doesn't become a problem.
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Are you the parent of a persistent kid? We sometimes view this type of behavior as simply being stubborn, but persistent children have amazing traits that can evolve into being a successful adult. We've got some tips to help you through this transition!
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What are the four main ways children misbehave, and what are some great ways deal with those situations before they get out of hand?
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