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Choosing Your Health Care Provider: Lactation Consultants

You're planning to breastfeed your baby once he arrives. But what happens if your breastfeeding experience doesn't happen as perfectly as you planned? How can a board-certified lactation consultant help you on your journey? What are some of the benefits in adding one to your team of health care providers? Plus, how to find a lactation consultant who best fits you and your breastfeeding needs.

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Preparing for Breastfeeding

You're pregnant and you're planning to breastfeed your baby. But, if you've never breastfed before, how will you know what to do? Should you take a breastfeeding class? How about visiting a breastfeeding support group? What can you expect to happen during those first few days after your baby is born? And what can you do in advance to prepare for any unexpected breastfeeding challenges?

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