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Breastfeeding After Formula Feeding Your First Baby

Breastfeeding your first baby didn’t turn out exactly how you had planned and you ended up formula-feeding your baby. Or perhaps that was the plan all along. But you want things to be different with your second child. This time, your plan is to breastfeed your baby for as long as possible. It’s easy to say, but how difficult is this transition? And what tips can help you along the way?

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The Racial Divide Within the Lactation Community

All breastfeeding and pumping mothers need support. But sometimes there are barriers, usually for women of color. Some of these barriers include inaccurate stereotypes, lack of resources and less opportunity to work with specialists of color, who can better relate to their situation. So, what does this racial divide mean for the lactation community? Today we’re exploring some of the big issues.

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When Your Partner Doesn't Support Your Breastfeeding Goals

You are passionate about giving your baby breast milk... but you’re partner? Ah, not so much. We know how important partner support is for breastfeeding and pumping moms, so what do you do when that support isn’t there? Do you stand on your soapbox and preach about all the benefits of breast milk? Or do you just let it go and “hopefully” find support elsewhere?

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Best Foods to Eat While Breastfeeding

If you are like most breastfeeding moms, you’re probably worried about how the food you eat will affect the quality of your breast milk. You may also be wondering whether you need to avoid certain foods in order to prevent allergies in your little one. Or perhaps you’d like to know what foods you need to eat more of to boost your milk supply. If these are some of the questions going through your mind right now, you have come to the right place. We’ll cover everything you need to know about what foods to eat while breastfeeding. We’ll also highlight some of the foods you might want to avoid until you are ready to wean your little one.

Breastfeeding for Adoptive Parents

Breastfeeding can look a lot different for adoptive parents. So, what are your options? Did you know you can induce lactation and breastfeed your baby without giving birth? Can you get a full milk supply? And what different ways can you help supplement? Today you’ll hear from two moms who induced lactation for their own adopted children.

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