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How Income Impacts Decisions to Breastfeed and Pump

Moms have many options when it comes to how they chose to feed their babies. You can breastfeed, pump, milk share, formula feed or perhaps a combination of any of the above. Sometimes our decisions on how to feed our babies isn't just dependent on what we want, but income may also play a factor. It’s unfortunate, but it’s also reality for many parents, who simply want what’s best for their family. Today we’re exploring how money impacts these choices.

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Successful Breastfeeding Stories: Miriam Valdez

We all have personal stories that help shape our breastfeeding journey. Today you'll meet Miriam Valdez who tragically lost her second child within the first month after birth. Miriam shares her experience breastfeeding through pregnancy and the lost of her newborn baby. Plus, learn how continuing to breastfeed her older toddler helped Miriam heal from this difficult situation.

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