Breastfeeding Support
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Show: The Boob Group
Breastfeeding is a commitment that can be challenging at times. And sometimes the smallest gesture of kindness or complementary words can help build up a breastfeeding mom’s confidence and keep her nursing for as long as possible. What can you do to support the breastfeeding mom in your life? We have some great ideas for partners, family and friends.
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Show: The Boob Group
You can find mom-to-mom support through social media groups and forums where help is available 24/7. But what do you need to know before joining these groups? What can you expect to gain from being part of them?
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Show: The Boob Group
It's the last episode in our series where we follow three breastfeeding moms as they nurse their babies for the first year of life. What challenges are they facing, and how are they overcoming them to have the best breastfeeding experience possible?
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Show: The Boob Group
Partner support can be absolutely crucial to a breastfeeding mom's view of success. Learn more about a national campaign with the mission of de-stigmatizing public breastfeeding while encouraging partner support.
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Show: The Boob Group
A mother's breastfeeding experience changes drastically over time, starting from her child's birth throughout the months of her baby's life. Today we're continuing our series "Breastfeeding Expectations", where we follow three new moms on their breastfeeding journeys. This month, find out if our moms have settled into a schedule when nursing their babies. Are they getting any sleep at night? Are they facing any new breastfeeding challenges?
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