Breast Milk

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Preparing for Breastfeeding

You're pregnant and you're planning to breastfeed your baby. But, if you've never breastfed before, how will you know what to do? Should you take a breastfeeding class? How about visiting a breastfeeding support group? What can you expect to happen during those first few days after your baby is born? And what can you do in advance to prepare for any unexpected breastfeeding challenges?

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Breast Milk Storage and Handling

As moms begin to pump, it's important to know how long their breast milk can stay fresh and reusable. How long will breast milk stay fresh in the fridge or freezer? Can you reuse breast milk that's already been poured into a bottle? Plus, the real story on shaking versus swirling your breast milk when heating it back up.

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How to Choose the Best All-Natural Organic Formula for Your Newborn

If you are a new parent who has decided to formula-feed your little one, you might be wondering what your best options are. You obviously want to give your newborn the best nutrition possible. At the same time, you want to avoid any harmful chemicals or additives that might be lurking in some baby formulas. That’s where organic formulas come in. 

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