Bonding With Baby As a Working Mom
How can you make the most of your time together? And how can you enlist the help of child care providers in this area?
We know breastfeeding is a great way to bond with your baby, but what about dads and partners who aren’t actually feeding the baby? What can they do to help bond with their babies in their own ways? And how does that initial bond strengthen over time? We’re turning the show over to dads so they can share their personal experience.
How can you make the most of your time together? And how can you enlist the help of child care providers in this area?
Do all babies communicate the same way? How can parents use everyday communication experiences to bond? And how much does the way we communicate with our babies impact them later in life?
We know breastfeeding is a great way to bond with your baby, but what about dads and partners who aren’t actually feeding the baby? What can they do to help bond with their babies in their own ways? We're turning the show over to dads so they can share their personal experience.