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Show: Twin Talks
If you recently learned you are carrying twins, you may be a bit anxious about your pregnancy. Are you still able to have a vaginal birth if you're pregnant with twins? Is it really rare to be pregnant the full 40 weeks? And it bedrest pretty much unavoidable? Today we're debunking some of the common myths associated with twin pregnancy.
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Show: Preggie Pals
You've experienced some complications during your pregnancy, and suddenly, you're on bedrest. But, does bedrest really work? Plus, what are some helpful tips to pass the time as you wait for your little one to arrive?
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Show: Twin Talks
If you're pregnant with twins, your pregnancy is most likely considered "high risk". Not all twin pregnancies require bedrest, but it may be something you and your health care provider discuss as your due date draws near. Learn what to expects from twin moms who have experienced it firsthand!
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