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Show: Parent Savers
Bathtime can be fun, but it can also be a scary place if you aren't taking precautions to help protect your child. Today, we'll explore some tips to help keep your kids safe, all while having fun and teaching them valuable lessons to help make them self-sufficient.
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Show: Twin Talks
It's time to potty-train your little ones, but how do you know if they're both ready? Are there differences in readiness between identical and fraternal twins? What are the main steps to potty-training and is there a chance of competition between your twins?
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Show: Newbies
Giving birth to your baby is usually pretty messy, right? So, it's only natural we would want to bathe our babies immediately. But could there be benefits to delaying that first bath? And when you do decide to bathe your new baby, how should you do it? Should you buy a special baby tub, or perhaps bathe with your baby? And what about those strange baths in the kitchen sink?
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Show: Parent Savers
Potty training your little one can definitely be a challenge. Wouldn't it be nice if you could avoid the common pitfalls man new parents face? This episode explores the top 5 mistakes commonly made by new parents- even those with the best intentions!
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Show: Twin Talks
Potty training twins requires a bit of planning and preparation. And sometimes, the gear you use can make all the difference in the world. So, what are the essential items you'll need as you embark on this journey?
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