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How to Travel with Twin Babies

You’ve been the world traveler and then... life changes when twins come along. Or does it? We're here with some experienced twin moms who have been jet-setting around the world alongside their kids. It may not be for everyone, but our twin mamas have some great practical advice for any twin parents who want to give it a go!

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How to Choose the Best Baby Carrier for Your Baby

If you’re a new parent, you probably already know that despite their size, babies sure need a lot of stuff! Among all these stuff is the all-important baby carrier. Baby carriers are a great way to keep your baby close to you while freeing up your hands for other tasks. They are also the perfect tools for bonding with your baby. With a baby carrier, you will be able to soothe your little one when they’re fussy while also making breastfeeding easier. But with so many types and brands of baby carriers on the market today, how do you know which one is right for you and your baby?

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How to Bond with Your Newborn

Giving birth is one of the most rewarding and challenging experiences anyone can go through. It is completely normal to feel a mix of emotions, from excitement and love to anxiety and doubt. You’ve just started a new part of your life, and it’s a massive undertaking.  One of the things that might be giving you anxiety is how you are going to bond with your newborn. So how do you do it?

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How to Deal with Colic in Newborns

No one knows what really causes it. It can occur at any time of the day or night, but it often peaks in the evening or at night. It can be very frustrating and stressful for both you and your little one. For many parents, it also brings about feelings of helplessness and guilt about not being able to soothe their baby.

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