Baby Weight
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Show: Twin Talks
If you have a tummy pooch that won’t go away, or if your belly button mysteriously became an outie when it was always an innie... then you may have Diastasis Recti. Learn more about this condition commonly effecting twin moms and what can be done about it.
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Show: Newbies
Who created these charts and how are averages determined? Do breastfed babies grow any differently than formula fed babies? And what does the term "failure to thrive" actually mean?
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Show: Newbies
Between all the feeding sessions, diaper changes and general exhaustion of early motherhood, sometimes you barely have time to sit down for a meal – let alone stop and take a hard look at the nutritious value of what you’re about to put in your mouth. What are some simple steps you can take to eat healthier during this busy season of life?
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Show: The Boob Group
For a new mom, breastfeeding is a new challenge that comes with many rewards. We're continuing our series that breaks down what moms can expect during the first year of life. This episode explores what breastfeeding typically looks like during the second week after the birth of your baby.
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