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Show: Twin Talks
Feeding two babies away from home can be quite a challenge. What concerns do you have about breastfeeding away from home? What routine typically works best for you and your babies? Our twin mamas share their experience!
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Show: Newbies
You desperately need to take a quick shower or hop on a work call on a day you don’t have child care. What do you do? Turn on the TV for a few minutes to keep your baby distracted. Now comes the mom guilt because you let your infant have screen time – something you never thought you’d do. And that’s not OK – right? … Or is it? Today, we’re going to be exploring this topic of screen time and babies. You’ll hear from moms who have been there before you, as well as an expert whose educational YouTube show for babies and young children is changing the game.
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Show: Parent Savers
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or SIDS, is the leading cause of death for babies one year and younger. There's a lot of questions surrounding SIDs, but what information do we have to protect our little ones? How can you reduce your baby's risk?
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Show: Twin Talks
You’ve been the world traveler and then... life changes when twins come along. Or does it? We're here with some experienced twin moms who have been jet-setting around the world alongside their kids. It may not be for everyone, but our twin mamas have some great practical advice for any twin parents who want to give it a go!
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