Here’s your guide to all the breastfeeding resources from The Boob Group episodes! You can listen to all of our episodes through this website, our RSS feed as well as your favorite podcast apps!

Tongue Tie and Breastfeeding

A tight frenula, or tongue-tie, can greatly hinder breastfeeding. What are the symptoms? What are your options for overcoming it? And how quickly will you see improvement?

Supporting Moms Who Breastfeed in Public

Just because moms have the right to breastfeed in public, doesn't mean everyone will be supportive. The news is filled with moms who are constantly being attacked for nursing their babies on demand in public areas. We know it's going to happen, so what can we do as breastfeeding supporters to help encourage moms whenever possible? The answer may seem simple, but sticking up for others isn't always easy. Today we're talking about how to support moms who choose to nurse in public.

Understanding Breast Pumps and Pump Parts

If you need to spend extended time away from your baby, you’ll probably need to pump. But before you purchase your breast pump, it’s important to know more about it’s functionality. How exactly does a breast pump work? What are the key parts and features? What’s optional? And what happens when part of your pump needs replaced?

Moms Who Can’t Breastfeed: When Do You Stop Trying?

What happens when life throws you a curveball and you’re unable to breastfeed? What? Is that even possible? Weren’t our bodies designed to nourish our babies? If you’re a mom struggling with not being able to breastfeed your baby- you’re not alone. And sometimes you just need to let go.

Avoiding “Booby Traps” After a Hospital Birth

It's important to get breastfeeding off to a great start- from the moment your baby is born. Depending on where you deliver, this may be easier said than done. What are the most common "booby traps" you could face and how can you overcome them?

Persistent Pain When Breastfeeding

If you’re a new breastfeeding mom, you may have some initial discomfort. You may need to adjust your baby’s latch, or perhaps the baby’s overall position isn’t quite working out. But, in general, breastfeeding should never be painful. So, what about moms who experience persistent pain while breastfeeding? How do we explain that, and how do we figure out the problem?

Back to Work: Talking with Your Employer and Colleagues About Pumping

Going back to work after having your baby may seem daunting, but having support from your employer and colleagues definitely helps. How do you approach your employer about your pumping needs? Should you give your colleagues a “heads up” about what your schedule will be like when you return to work? And what do you do if things just aren’t working out as planned once you’re back at work?

Tips to Comfortably Breastfeed in Public

With so much controversy over breastfeeding in public, how can a new mom feel comfortable feeding her baby when she's not behind closed doors? What are some effective ways to deal with the criticism?

Elimination Diets: Food Sensitivities in the Breastfed Baby

Babies cry. That’s how they communicate with us. But some babies cry a lot more than others. For breastfed babies, one possible answer could be food sensitivities given through the breast milk. So, how do you know if your baby has food sensitivities? And how can you figure out which foods are causing the problem? Today our moms share their experience with elimination diets designed to help baby (and mom) feel better.

The Mommy Wars: How Do You Feed Your Baby?

We’re moms and we all want what’s best for our babies, right? If we truly believe that, then why aren’t we more supportive of one another? We can’t possibly know all the reasons behind a mom’s decision to feed her baby- whether it’s by breastfeeding, pumping, milk sharing, or formula feeding. And still we end up judging one another, unfairly. So, how can we change this?